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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Correct grammar cannot be overstated

" Never stop learning because life never stop teaching."

too...to; so/such that; enough to..

have/get..; It takes...; prevent/stop..

S + find +..; prefer to; would rather; be/get used to + V.ing

used to +...; be amazed at/ be angry at/ be good at +...
by chance = by accident; be tired of +...; can't stand/ can't help + ...; be keen on/ be fond of + ...
be interested in +  ...; spend/waste (time) + ...
give up + ...; would like/ wish/ want + ...; have/ get 
had better; hate/ like/ enjoy ...; It's + adj + ...
be bored with; It's the first time + ...; enough + N +...
too...to; want sb toV; It's time +...; It's not necessary for ...

look forward to +V.ing; provide sb with...; prevent sb from...; fail to do sth...

be succeed in...; borrow sth from...; lend sb sth...; make sb + Vbare.inf

so...that; such...that; It is kind of...; find it + adj +...

make sure of ...; It takes + (time/money) +...; spend (time/money) +...; have no idea of sth...

advise sb + toV; plan toV; invite sb + toV; offer sb sth

rely on sb; be able + toV = be capable of  + V.ing; be good at + V.ing

prefer ...to; apologize for...; had better + Vbare.inf; would rather + Vbare.inf 

would rather sb + Vpast sth; suggest sb + Vbare.inf/ suggest + V.ing; try + toV

try + V.ing; need + toV/ need + V.ing; remember + V.ing

remember + toV; have sth + PP; be busy + V.ing; mind + V.ing

be used to/ be accustomed to + V.ing; stop + toV/ stop + v.ing; let sb + Vbare.inf


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